Capitalism and Human Dignity
Believe it or not, I believe in Capitalism (yikes...that sounded like when a racist starts with "I'm not racist...but..."). Sure, I believe in capitalism but only as far as it treats people with respect and dignity. If you chase after the money far enough you will eventually find yourself reaching the limit where your legal rights abut bad PR. I had only little pity for United Airlines after their PR fiasco . You may have the legal right to throw anyone off your plane...but you have to use common sense. If United had offered a hundred thousand dollars for a passenger to get off the plane...they'd be in a better financial state than they were after the incident. I'm not saying they should have offered a hundred thou off the bat. I'm saying you gradually sweeten the pot until someone grabs the winnings. If nobody volunteers after you've reached $100,000, then increase it some more and keep increasing it till you are sure you can no longer afford it...