Suggested Improvements to Facebook Groups

Yeah, Facebook is the second most visited site but there is always room for improvement.

Take Facebook Groups for instance, a very useful tool for bringing like minds and interests together. The tendency is to amass posts and threads, some, useful; some, not. Unfortunately, only so many posts can be immediately seen on the wall. Facebook allows you to show more posts by clicking the "Older Posts" link indefinitely, but this could take forever, depending on how many posts there are. Thus, the tendency is also to loose important discussions or repeat them unnecessarily. Even if the discussions are not lost, they should always be at the users' beck and call.

I recommend a search feature specific to each group (or page, or event, or profile, or whatever-have-you). Not the general search feature that is sort of a joke especially when you're searching for people (maybe Facebook chose the wrong search engine to partner with). With a search feature, I'm sure I can call up old posts more than 90% of the time.

Another suggestion, is a "categories" feature similar to the one on this blog. Users can tag their posts so that they fall under user-created categories, thus making them easier to find.

I guess this will add more engineer-dreaded code to the mix, but it will more than pay for itself eventually as fewer people feel the need to go elsewhere to create clean forums for their special interest groups.

Facebook should not let Google+ implement these changes before them. After all, Google+ already has the categories feature to borrow from in Google's blogs, and they're already 'partnered' with the number-one most visited site.


  1. These are really good suggestions. I've wondered about them myself. I second the motion

    Muse Origins

  2. Thanks Adiya,
    Facebook could also give admins the power to move posts around and to merge related posts when desirable.

  3. I noticed Facebook has added the "Search This Group" feature. I guess it was only a matter of time.


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