Quick One! Hiding in Plain Site
Hiding in plain site is definitely the way to go.
I, for one, just discovered that the number of 'o's in the word 'Google' at the bottom of a Google search page correspond to the number of pages highlighted via links. So if the bottom shows links to 7 pages (say, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7,), it will spell Gooooooogle (seven o's). Also I didn't notice that the red 'o' corresponds to the page position you're currently on. So if you are on the third page highlighted, the third 'o' will be red.
So is it spelled 'Gogle' when there is only one search page?
Nah...it just omits the 'Google' and the page links at the bottom.
Ok back to work.
Wow! That is so interesting. Never would have gotten that.